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Experiential Training is all about creating experiences through appropriate challenges, with the purpose of distilling reflections and internalizing the learnings in all that we do.


Through any experience each one of us displays different emotions and thoughts which further develop into a  behavioral pattern. Through the course, we focus on building awareness of this inherent behavioural pattern, which further triggers several thought patterns, to create changes each one of us decides to bring about in our action and attitude.



Teamwork is the crux of corporate success - but a team can only reach its potential when the individuals are ready to go beyond their comfort zone and take the leap of faith. It's time to shape these team members into leaders, innovators and motivators!


We've mastered the anatomy of our hearts and brains in school;

but what about what's beneath? It's time to engage with ourselves as much as we do with our textbooks! Shape yourself to be a better guide and an even better learner! 


What's a sportsman without sportsman spirit?! As your body works tirelessly to master the sport you love, let's invest in building the sportsman within you as well! Train yourself through failures and successes to keep you grounded through your journey!


Daily routine has caged us in a way we don't even notice. Take a breath and look beyond - there's more to you than your exams, job or whatever it is that has clouded the view of who you truly are. Invest a couple of hours to revisit the inner you, the true you!


From the Prasol team, we want to say a big thank you to Hemali for the amazing experiential session that she did for both our factory as well as our office. It was truly amazing to see colleagues shedding their inhibitions and connecting beyond the workplace. This session was nothing like the typical trainings - but rather we felt that the team was truly engaged in the activities and more importantly had excellent pointers in the reflections session. Having taking our learnings from the session, we definitely have seen a positive impact on the collaboration within the team and cross functional departments as well as more inter level communication. Thanks again for an incredible session and we look forward to having you again!

 - Prasol Chemicals Pvt Ltd

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